2014 год
Grigor’ev S. N., Tarasova T. V., Gvozdeva G. O., Nowotny St.
International Journal of Cast Metals Research. – 2014. – Vol. 27. – № 6. – p. 357-361.
This study aims to investigate the technological possibility to generate high precision microrange structure from aluminium alloys using laser microcladding. Clad tracks of Al–Si alloys with different silicon contents with lateral resolution of~200 mm were produced using co-axial laser microcladding. Particle size distribution with surface morphology and microstructure of the initial powders were investigated. Mechanisms of structure formation in Al–Si alloys during laser microcladding were studied. It was revealed that the chemical composition of the powder material influences the structure formation process and microhardness of hypereutectic Al–Si alloys produced by microcladding. In addition, the effect of processing parameters on the microstructure and geometry of the resulted tracks is discovered. The conclusions on technological possibility of manufacturing the single tracks with width of<500 mm from hypereutectic Al–Si alloys were made.
Grigor’ev S. N., Tarasova T. V., Gvozdeva G. O. Nowotny St.
Surface and Coatings Technology. – 2014. – № 2.
The aim of the present work is to investigate features of low-density materials' structure formation during laser microcladding. Clad tracks with the submillimeter width were successfully produced by laser microcladding of the low-density Al–Si hypereutectic alloys. Microstructures produced with various process parameters and with various chemical compositions of the cladding material were investigated. Structure formation mechanism of Al–Si alloys during laser microcladding was discussed. The influence of laser microcladding on the solidification process and on the final solidification microstructure was studied. The influence of structure formation mechanism on the mechanical properties of the solidified material was investigated. The clad walls less than 300 μm wide with aspect ratio of the long and short sides about 7.5 were manufactured. Structure changes that occurred during the placement of many layers on top of each other were discussed. Mechanical properties and surface roughness of the clad walls as well were investigated. Possibility of using the laser microcladding technique to produce a volume in the submillimeter range was demonstrated.
Grigor’ev S. N., Tarasova T. V., Gvozdeva G. O. Nowotny St.
Journal of Mechanical Engineering. – 2014. – Vol. 6. – №6. – P. 389-394.
Using a coaxial laser cladding process AlSix (X=30, 40, 60) clad tracks were produced. The mechanisms of structure formation in Al-Si alloys during laser cladding were studied. Particle size distribution, surface morphology and microstructure of the initial powders were investigated. The influence of the chemical composition of the powder material on the structure and the microhardness of the coating has been shown, as well as the influence of processing parameters on the microstructure and the geometry of the resulting tracks. Conclusions about the technological possibility of manufacturing single tracks with widths of < 500 μm based on an Al metallic matrix bearing a Si content ranging from 30 to 60 wt.% Si have been made.
Tarasova T. V., Nazarov A. P., Yu. I. Shalapko.
Journal of Friction and Wear. – 2014. – Vol.35. – №5. – P. 365-373.
This paper reports the results of comparative studies of the abrasive and fretting wear resistance of specimens manufactured by the method of selective laser melting and casting. The materials of specimens are powdered CoCrMo cobalt refractory alloy and the cast KKhS-D cobalt-based alloy.